O' Mighty Warrior
by "De", Deanna J. Garcia
O' Mighty Warrior, dressed for battle,
our hearts "thank you" for your bravery
as you fearlessly storm
into the desert
to slay the evil dragon
that raises it's ugly
head of venom and hate.
You leave behind your
families, friends, and homes
to wipe out the
evildoer that lurks
with wickedness
of a tyrant and dictatorship
of cruelty and greed
from the pit of hell,
that keeps the
innocent in bondage and chains.
You think not
of the dangers nor
of yourselves,
but the scar
of that horrific crime
of 911 that ripped
our loved ones
from our lives,
burying them before
their time in rubble
of stone and dirt
as we are left
in shock and pain.
The injustice of
the rape that was
inflicted on
our beloved Country
that has open-heartedly
invited and welcomed
to freedom and offered
a grandeur lifestyle,
you think of the less
the oppression
of our fellowmen
in other countries
so you train relentlessly
for the "task" that
has to be done.
You and your comrades
become of one spirit
as you take up
your M2-.05
Machine Guns
for the deity
of freedom
just like the heroes
before you that
picked up their
weapons with dignity
to keep us in safety
and freedom at the
Front, thus
Old Glory
still keeps on
waving proud and high.
the mere words..
"Thank You"...
do not seem enough,
but our hearts
praise and honor you
as you take part of us
as we stand
shoulder to shoulder,
as we are
waving and saying...
"God bless you"...
"Good Bye"...
"We'll be back for you,"
and we see you
deplane from our flight.
Silent tears fall
because we see
the dedication
and commitment
on your part to keep
other nations and
home of
the free and the brave,
God bless you
O' Mighty Warriors
who are willing to lay
down your lives
and as for you,
"Fallen Soldiers"
we dare not forget
you and your sacrifice,
for you laid your life
without question or fear,
for your last breathe here
is your next breathe there,
in the presence of God,
for to be absent from
this body is to be
present with the Lord.
And you beloved soldiers
that are
"Missing In Action",
It's just for a
twinkling of an eye,
fear not for God is with you,
do not lose heart,
let not your soul
be cast down for
no one can
steal, kill, or destroy
your faith
for your loyal comrades
with valor are
swiftly and quickly
coming your way as
God Almighty leads them
with His banner of love
to snatch you out of
the enemy's hand.
We at Delta Air Lines
salute and do battle
for you as we stay on our knees
praying to our
Awesome God to encamp
His angels of safety
around you and your families
as we anxiously await
your safe return from Iraq
with innumerable
yellow ribbons of gratitude
wrapped around our hearts
for your sacrifice and love.
We salute you O' Mighty Warriors
for you are our heroes
and it has been our
honor and privilege on
Delta Air Lines' skies
as well as on the ground
around the world to
serve you and we believe
in our hearts...
you shall return
and be in our arms,
O' Mighty Warriors.
With all due Respect,
Deanna J. Garcia
De Garcia volunteered and continues to volunteer to be one of the many flight attendants to fly our troops to and from their positions in the Iraq war.