Tubes I borrowed for this page are from the following:

Sam's World

(the mermaid)


PSP Tubes.Com

(the coral)


Fortune City

(the seashells)


Graphics By SueCat

(the seahorse)


Midi titled Caribbean Surf

"Dolphin Dream's Midi Ocean"


Font Used:

Bradley Hand ITC

DaFONT :: Download free and shareware fonts


All graphics done with PSP8






Background color:  #40FFFF

Terms of use


These graphics are to be used for personal use only. Do not include them in a graphic collection, offer them for downloads from another site, change the filenames, or claim them as your own.  DO NOT link directly to these graphics.  Upload them to your own server.  These graphics are linkware meaning you have to provide a  link back to my site. Remember the tubes and artwork are not mine.  I am borrowing them thanks to the people above. Typewritten link is fine or you can use my logo below:


Out Of Chaos.... Comes Beauty


Send me an e-mail.  I would love to see what you have done!  I didn't make a title graphic because I did not know what to name this set.  If you want me to make one for you free of charge and/or any other buttons, just let me know. 



You do not have to lay this out the way I have or use all of the graphics.