Here's Peeking At You, Kid

Did you know?

When a giraffe baby, called a calf, is born, it drops to the ground head first,

about a 6-foot (1.8-meter) drop! The fall and the landing don't hurt the calf,

but they do cause it to take a big breath.


Want to learn more about giraffes?

Visit the San Diego Zoo

Animal Bytes: Giraffe



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These graphics are to be used for personal use only. Do not include them in a graphic collection, offer them for downloads from another site, change the filenames or claim them as your own.  DO NOT link directly to these graphics.

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Out Of Chaos.... Comes Beauty



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Thanks to the people who made the tubes for me to use:


Animal PSP Tubes by Wildlife of the World

Kandy'z PSP Tubes

Midi:  Animal Song

Savage Garden

Sequenced by:  Brett Kaplan

Font Used:  Lauren Script Regular

DaFONT :: Download free and shareware fonts


Page dedicated to Lauren

who loves Giraffes!