Ferret Set1


There is a blank button included at the bottom of this page.

There are optional tops and titles also.


The font used is Beautiful ES.

Dingbat used is Animal Tracks.

Both are from:

DaFONT :: Download free and shareware fonts


This guestbook is in two separate graphics.

There is a one piece guestbook at the end of this page.


I made this set for others to use.  There are not many ferret sets online and I will try to make some more.  Time is my only factor since this is my hobby and not my job.  Besides I need a lot of time for ferret playing.  LOL

Please respect my terms that follow or don't use this set:

1.  Don't claim these graphics as your own.  The graphic is of my baby boy, Meatball.  I made all the graphics.

2.  Don't put them in a collection and don't mix my graphics with other graphics on your page unless it is your photo of your pet.

3.  I would rather you didn't use my graphics for profit.  If you want to do that, please notify me.

4.  Please provide a link back to my homepage with the logo provided above. https://singanprayisme.tripod.com/index.htm

5.  Please let me know if you use these graphics.  I always enjoy seeing what people are doing.  And I always love seeing and hearing about other peoples' pets.  You can do this by signing my guestbook or sending me an e-mail.

6. Do not resize my graphics.  It distorts them.  If you need something resized, contact me.  I will be more the happy to do it for you.

7.  You do not have to lay your page out the way I have or use all the graphics.  I don't  mind if you use my html.  Others let me do that when I was first starting and that was helpful way for me to learn about making web pages.




Alternate Graphics

Blank Button