Fae Graphics

MIDI:  Dreams
Performed by 
Margi Harrell
Please feel free to visit her wonderful site right HERE.
This midi along with more wonderful compositions and/or performances are available at Ms. Harrell's site on CDs.

If you wish to use her music on your personal web site you must contact Ms. Harrell.


Font:  English

DaFONT :: Download free and shareware fonts


Tubes for Fairy from;


Frame for buttons from:

Lady Sara

I made the lace background from:

Darian Web Design & Graphics & Darian Border Collies

Terms of use

These graphics are to be used for personal use only. Do not include them in a graphic collection, offer them for downloads from another site, change the filenames or claim them as your own.  DO NOT link directly to these graphics.

Upload them to your own server.  Please provide a link back to my site using my graphic below or in type:


Out Of Chaos.... Comes Beauty


Mail:  Singanpray@aol.com


You do not have to lay this out the way I have

or use all of the graphics.


I did not make a title graphic for this set.  I did not know what to name it.  I will gladly make one for you.  Just e-mail me and put as the subject: I need a title graphic and give me the URL of this page so I know which one you are talking about.