Using the logo below link to http LEGEND DESIGNZ-"QUIET AFTERNOON"






copyright © 2003

Used with Mr. Horn's permission


Savannah Dream by Mr. Horn



Please not mix and match these graphics or claim them as your own.

Do not add them as a collection.

Do not alter them or change them in any way.

If you use Mr. Horn's art, please provide a link (with his graphic above) back to his site.

Please provide a link back to my site (with the graphic above) if you use them.

Do not link directly with the graphics to this site.

Upload them directly  to your own server.


Tips for AOL users before you save graphics:

Go to:  SwtMelode's  Click on AOL Tutorials

and here:

Moon And Back Graphics ~ Tips for AOL Users

Star tubes are from Paula


Sorry to say I only know the name of the midi as Nocturne 3

and do not know who sequenced it.

From:   Dolphin Dream's Midi Ocean